IB Middle Years Program (MYP)

All students at Long Beach Middle School learn through the MYP. The program is focused on encouraging students to become critical and reflective thinkers, and is comprised of 8 subject areas: Language and Literature (English), Language Acquisition (World Languages), Individual and Societies (Social Studies), Sciences, Math, Arts (Visual and Performing) Design (Technology and Family and Consumer Sciences) and Physical and Health Education.
Teachers still follow their state-mandated or district-approved curriculum. Therefore, the MYP does not change what is learned, just how it is learned. The MYP framework allows teachers to select a global context which serves as a “theme” that permeates one’s teaching of any topic and encourages students to make connections between subjects, to link what they learn to the real world and to global issues, and to reflect and act on their learning.
Middle Year Program Exploration
Click here to view the MYP in Action Video
For more information about the MYP, please visit these links:
Overview of Teaching and Learning in the MYP:
The MYP Makes Learning More Relevant to Students' Lives:
IB Learner Profile Song: