The LBMS Drama Club presented Annie, Jr. for family and friends in the middle school’s auditorium for two evening performances on Jan. 23 and 24. With a cast and crew of close to sixty students, to include an orphan ensemble and servants and New Yorkers ensemble, the classic show followed little orphan Annie through song and dance as she tried to find her parents.
Sixteen musical performances included favorites such as, Hard Knock Life, You Won’t Be an Orphan for Long and Tomorrow. Lead characters included Mira Mordetsky as Annie, Peyton Waine as Oliver Warbucks and Ellie Steier and Miss Hannigan. The production team included director Scott Scheinson, Assistant Director/Musical Director Christina Farrell, set design and construction was Alison Katulka, Brian Pross and the LBMS Art Club and LBMS Wood Club, Teaching Assistant was Eydie Yarwood and Molly Abrams was student choreographer.
Date Added: 1/27/2025