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Long Beach Middle School

Social Studies Department


NYS Standards


Grade 6

We would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with the curriculum, requirements, etc. for your child in Social Studies this year.  Our efforts are aimed at helping your child reach and exceed the rigorous new state standards and at the same time prepare for the future.

In the sixth grade, the following topics will be studied:

  1. Geography
  2. Mesopotamia/Egypt
  3. Greece
  4. Rome
  5. Holocaust
  6. Middle Ages/Western Europe
  7. Communism/Eastern Europe
  8. Middle East understanding

By the year's end, students will be exposed to the following skills:

  1. Map Skills - Identify using scale, key, longitude, latitude
  2. Geography - Know Seven Continents, Four Oceans, Equator, Prime Meridian, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
  3. Culture - Appreciate different cultures. Have an and appreciation for the contributions past cultures have given to present civilizations. Should also understand the impacts of various religions.
  4. Environment - Understand how the environment impacts a particular region.
  5. Government - Understand how present day government has been influenced by governments of past civilizations.
  6. Economics - People throughout history have had to solve basic economic problems. These problems have affected the growth and development of these civilizations.
  7. Writing - To be able to write a clear, well constructed essay. To be able to interpret various documents and then respond to a posed question in essay format.
  8. Current Events - Students will be able to write a summary and develop an opinion of issues from the newspaper and/or magazine articles.

In order for your child to meet or exceed the state standards, and to gain the needed background to succeed in high school and/or beyond, it is imperative that you stress good work and study habits with your child. For example, get to class on time. Your child must come to class prepared, participate in class discussions, study for tests given, and complete all assigned homework or projects on time.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Grade 7

Dear Parents or Guardians,

We would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with the curriculum, requirements, etc. for your child in Social Studies this year. Our efforts are aimed at helping your child reach and exceed the rigorous new state standards and at the same time, prepare for the future.

In the seventh grade, the following topics will be discussed:

  1. Geography - Map reading, location of various places using latitude and longitude, vocabulary
  2. Native Americans - Relationship between the culture of Native Americans and Europeans
  3. Explorers - Impact of Europeans and European culture on North America
  4. Colonial Life - Differences and similarities in colonial economic, political, and social life
  5. Americans Revolution - Causes, events and results of the struggle for independence
  6. U.S. Government - Origins and main features of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights... continued on next page...
  7. Evolution of a New Nation - Domestic and foreign policy decisions of our early presidents
  8. Westward Expansion - Territorial growth of the United States
  9. Civil War - Causes, events, and results of the War between the States
  10. Reconstruction - Policies, events and effects on the reunited nation
  11. Frontier/Settling of West - Indian Wars, Transcontinental Railroad, Cattle Kingdom, closing of the Open Range
  12. Current Events - Students will be able to write a summary, clearly state and opinion on issues from the newspaper and/or magazine articles, and provide information to support that opinion

The following skills will be stressed and practiced throughout the year.

  1. Compare and contrast
  2. Analyze causes and effects of major events in American History
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Interpret political cartoons, documents, readings, graphs, etc.
  5. Essay Writing / DBQ (document based questions)
  6. Develop and support viewpoints on a variety of issues from the past and present

In order for your child to meet or exceed the state standards, and to gain the needed background to succeed in high school and/or beyond, it is imperative that you stress good work and study habits with your child.  For example, get to class on time.  Your child must come to class prepared, participate in class discussions, study for tests given, and complete all assigned homework or projects on time.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Mr. Cook
Mr. Hoffman
Mr. Jackson
Mr. Marr


Grade 8

We would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with the curriculum, requirements, etc. for your child in Social Studies this year.  Our efforts are aimed at helping your child reach and exceed the rigorous new state standards and at the same time prepare for the future.  

In the 8th grade, the following topics will be studied:

  1. Government
  2. Changing Economy/Industrialization
  3. Growth of corporations
  4. Rise of labor unions
  5. Interdependence of
  6. Changing Society
  7. Immigration
  8. Growth of cities
  9. Progressive Period
  10. Imperialism/ U.S. becomes a world power
  11. Major events of the 20th century
  12. World War I
  13. Roaring 20s
  14. Great Depression
  15. World War II
  16. Cold War to present (including Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf War, decline of communism, etc.)

Throughout the year students will be exposed to the following skills:

  1. Map Skills - Students should be able to locate area, read and interpret maps
  2. Cause and Effect - Students should be able to explain the causes of major events in American History and the effects of those events on society, the economy and the government.
  3. Compare and Contrast - Students should be able to explain the similarities and the differences among points of view on major issues related to the United States
  4. Essay Writing - Students should be able to provide an expanded explanation with support or persuasion in an essay format
  5. Interpret - Students should be able to interpret graphs, cartoons, readings, diagrams, etc.
  6. Follow Directions- Students should be able to follow clearly written or explained directions.

In order for your child to meet or exceed the state standards, and to gain the needed background to succeed in high school and/or beyond, it is imperative that you stress good work and study habits with your child.  For example, get to class on time. Your child must come to class prepared, participate in class discussions, study for tests given, and complete all assigned homework or projects on time.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Current News

LBMS Welcomes Annie, Jr. to the Stage!

Annie Jr. musical flyer. thumbnail263520


The LBMS Drama Club is proud to present Annie, Jr. on Thursday, January 23 and Friday, January 24 at 7pm in the LBMS Auditorium. This classic show follows little orphan Annie through song and dance as she tries to find her parents, featuring hit songs like Hard Knock Life, Tomorrow, and Never Fully Dressed (Without a Smile). Annie is sure to warm your heart as we witness her rise from next-to-nothing in New York City.

For tickets, please visit or scan the QR code on the show poster. Tickets are $5 and all are welcome to attend!

Date Added: 1/8/2025



LBMS 2024 Winter Concerts

Students performing in winter concert. thumbnail263543

The sixth, seventh and eighth grade Band, Orchestra, and Chorus as well as specials music groups, including Chamber Orchestra, WindEnsemble, LBMS Singers, and Jazz Band delighted families, staff, and community members early in December with their outstanding musical performances celebrating the season.   

Special thanks to all the LBMS student performers for their hard work and to the school’s music educators, Mrs. Farrell, Mr. Lobenstein, Mr. Marks, and Mr. Neri for their commitment and dedication to Long Beach students.  We are also grateful to the LBMS families and community members for their continued support of our students. 

Click here to view the LBMS 2024 Winter Concerts slideshow.

Date Added: 1/8/2025

Eighth Grade Orientation at LBHS

Eighth Grade Orientation at LBHS thumbnail262848

LBHS recently had the pleasure of hosting the Eighth Grade Class from Lincoln Orens Middle School and Long Beach Middle School for our annual November Orientation. The event was a great success, providing students with valuable insights into high school life.

During their visit, the students:
- Heard from their principal and representatives from administration, counseling, and PPS departments.
- Enjoyed performances by our talented Pep Band, Orchestra, and Chorus groups.
- Received important information from Mr. Myers, LBHS Principal and Ms. McMahon, Coordinator of School Counseling.
- Participated in a student panel discussion, organized by Ms. McMahon, featuring current high school students with diverse experiences.
- Took a brief tour of our high school facilities.

We hope this Orientation helped prepare the all the current eighth graders for their upcoming transition to high school.


Date Added: 12/2/2024