The 5E Instructional Sequence Infused with NYSSLS Science and Engineering Practices - Science

Engage |
Introduce phenomenon or problem to be solved. Students ask questions, develop models showing their thinking about the phenomenon, and engage in argument from evidence about their ideas. |
Explore |
Students plan and carry out investigations to collect data they can use to answer their questions about the phenomenon. Can be hands-on investigations, collecting data through observations, data analysis, online simulations, or teacher demonstrations. Students can plan the investigations or follow a procedure. Students may use mathematics or computational thinking to collect and organize data. |
Explain |
Students analyze and interpret data collected during explore and begin to develop evidence-based answers to their questions by engaging in argument from evidence in discussions with classmates guided by the teacher. Students can obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to verify their results through books, articles, videos or other media sources. Students revise their results through books, articles, videos, or other media sources. Students revise their models and construct explanations of the phenomena based on the evidence. |
Elaborate |
Students take what they have learning and apply the learning to a new situation. Can be an engineering project, research project, new investigation, new phenomenon. May include any of the science and engineering practices. Allows us to determine readiness for summative assessment. |
Evaluate |
Summative assessment of learning. Should assess practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. |
How to Use the 5E Model in the Science Classroom