Pupil Personnel Services
Lisa Marry
Phone: (516) 897-2212
Fax: (516) 897-2171
Located: 237 Lido Boulevard
Hours - 9:00 am - Noon
Call for an appointment
Central Registration Office is located within Lido Elementary School.
Use the Pre-Kindergarten entrance. Visitors must first pass through
security before entering the Central Registration Office. Please note
that photo ID is required for parent/guardian in order to pass through
2025/2026 PreK & Kindergarten Registration
2025/2026 PreK / Kindergarten Information Sheet - English (click here)
2025/2026 PreK / Kindergarten Information Sheet - Spanish (click here)
2025/2026 PreK / Kindergarten Registration Packet - English (click here)
2025/2026 PreK / Kindergarten Registration Packet - Spanish (click here)
2025/2026 Preference Form & PreK Visitations - English (click here)
2025/2026 Preference Form & PreK Visitations - Spanish (click here)