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Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 2 - Unit 4



September - November

December - March

April  -  June

Active Citizenship

Rural, Urban and Suburban

Geography of Communities

Change and Interdependence

Themes, Understandings And Overarching Essential Questions For This Unit

Theme 1: Individual Development and Cultural Identity
  • Understanding:    All people are similar.  All people are different.
  • Essential Question: How does culture explain who we are?

Theme 2: Development, Movement and Interaction of Cultures
  • Understanding: All cultures and people have some things in common and some things that are different.
  • Essential Questions: How are we similar?  How are we different?

Theme 3: Time, Continuity and Change
  • Understanding: Our past helps us to understand how we live today. Our present affects how we and others will live in the future.
  • Essential Questions: How does the past influence the present and the future?


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Specific Essential Questions For This Unit

Theme 1: Individual Development and Cultural Identity
  • Why do we celebrate Memorial Day and Independence Day?

Theme 2: Development, Movement and Interaction of Cultures
  • How and why do communities change over time?
  • Why do communities need each other?

Theme 3: Time, Continuity and Change
  • How and why do communities change over time?
  • Why do communities need each other?

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By The End Of This Unit Students Should Know

Theme 1: Individual Development and Cultural Identity
  • Key Ideas: Memorial Day and Independence Day are important holidays.
  • Vocabulary: memorial, veteran, soldier, hero, independence

Theme 2: Development, Movement and Interaction of Cultures
  • Key Ideas: Communities change over time. The past influences the present, and the present influences the future. Communities are interdependent.
  • Vocabulary: change, community, era, future, interdependent, past, present,  services, timeline

Theme 3: Time, Continuity and Change
  • Key Ideas: Communities change over time.
  • The past influences the present, and the present influences the future. Communities are interdependent.
  • Vocabulary: change, community, era, future, interdependent, past, present,  services, timeline


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By The End Of This Unit Students Should Be Able To

Theme 1: Individual Development and Cultural Identity
  • Explain the significance of Memorial Day and Independence Day.

Theme 2: Development, Movement and Interaction of Cultures
  • Identify how and why communities change over time.
  • Explain interdependence between and among communities.
  • Create a timeline.
  • Explain how a past event influenced the present.

Theme 3: Time, Continuity and Change
  • Identify how and why communities change over time.
  • Explain interdependence between and among communities.
  • Create a timeline.
  • Explain how a past event influenced the present.

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Enrichment Resources



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