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The Next BOE Meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 7pm in the Lido Multipurpose Room

Date Added: 9/6/2024


Long Beach Students Ready for the New School Year

Long Beach School District welcomed back students for the 2024-2025 school year on September 4. thumbnail260761
Long Beach School District welcomed back students for the 2024-2025 school year on September 4. Students arrived at their schools, eager to meet their new teachers and classmates.  The energy and excitement of the new school year was felt throughout the day. The district wishes all students and staff a successful school year!

Date Added: 9/5/2024

District Response to NYS OSC Audit

As the district indicated in our response to the audit report, we disagree with the audit findings on several aspects.

At the advice of our external auditors, the district kept more than 4% in our unrestricted fund balance for several years following Hurricane Sandy because we risked not receiving FEMA reimbursements of approximately $5 million. If FEMA failed to reimburse those funds (which was certainly a possibility at that time), it would have put the district in financial jeopardy. As soon as we received that reimbursement, we reduced the unrestricted fund balance to 4%, where it has been for the last two years.

The State criticized the fact that we have realized a mostly small yearly surplus; generally that has been between 1% and 2%, except for the two COVID years. Those were larger because schools closed in 2020, and then in the following year, costs were hard to estimate. Further, the State disagreed with using surplus to fund much-needed capital projects, such as repairing faulty steam pipes, and instead believed that the surplus should have been used in its entirety to lower the tax levy (the tax levy increase was already 0% for two years in a row at that time). Funding capital projects is legally permissible and allows the district to address facility emergencies when they occur, much as a homeowner does for their home. While keeping taxes as low as possible is certainly a high priority for us, we also have to be sure to keep our facilities safe and well-maintained for our students.

The district believes that a 1-2% surplus on a multi-million dollar budget is financially responsible and indicates careful budgeting. Unfortunately, the audit encompassed the two COVID years, which was an unusual circumstance.

Finally, we certainly object to the characterization of any of our budget practices as nontransparent. We present the budget to the community in great detail at Board of Education meetings from January through April each year, and inform the public of budget details in mailings to every resident.

The district has posted the audit report and our response to our District website.

Date Added: 8/16/2024


Long Beach named NYSPHSAA School of Excellence

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Long Beach High School has been named a 2023-2024 School of Excellence by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. Long Beach is one of 226 schools across New York State to earn the School of Excellence award. To apply for the School of Excellence award, 75% of a school district’s varsity teams must qualify and receive the Scholar-Athlete team award.Long Beach has 28 varsity teams. Winning school districts will receive commemorative awards this fall.

Date Added: 8/6/2024

English Language Learners Summer Enrichment Program

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English Language Learners Summer Enrichment Program thumbnail260502
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English Language Learners Summer Enrichment Program thumbnail260504
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English Language Learners Summer Enrichment Program thumbnail260506

Forty Long Beach elementary students enjoyed the English Language Learners Summer Enrichment Program that took place from July 8 through July 26. The granted funded program taught the students language skills through reading and writing within three chosen thematic units and real-life experiences. Some highlights included: a visit with a fireman to conclude Heroes Week, a trip to the bowling alley to conclude Olympics Week and a trip to the Long Island Children’s Museum after completing STEM week.

Date Added: 8/6/2024