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Lindell Elementary School

Early Pick Up Procedures


We realize that on occasion, personal circumstances may require that you pick your child up from school before the normal dismissal time.  However, there should be a valid, necessary reason for early pick up. In such instances, the procedures listed below must be followed. These procedures may appear cumbersome, but are designed to ensure the safety of all our children.

1. It is most important that your contact information is up to date – all telephone numbers and emergency contacts.  As well, if you are picking up your child early, a note must be sent to the teacher.  If there is an emergency, a telephone call must be made to the Main Office.

2. When entering the building, the parent/guardian must sign in with the Security Guard at the front door and present a photo I.D. The student will be called down and sent to the Security Guard.

3. Once dismissal has started, no child will be called down to leave early and no child is to be taken from  teachers or off a bus line.

Current News

New York Islanders Visit Lindell for Special School Assembly

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Students at Lindell recently welcomed the New York Islanders for an exciting school assembly. The event focused on the importance of making smart choices, eating healthy, staying active, and showing respect to others. During the interactive session, the Islanders' mascot Sparky and members of the team's Community Relations team emphasized the value of making positive decisions both in school and in life.

Click here to view the New York Islanders Visit Lindell for Special School Assembly 2025 slideshow.

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Job & Resource Fair - April 2, 2025

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Lindell Kindergarten Super Readers Share the Magic of Books

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Dressed in their superhero capes, the Lindell kindergarten super readers recently read books to Lindell Pre-K students as part of Pick a Reading Partner (PARP) week.

Click here to view the Lindell Kindergarten Super Readers Share the Magic of Books slideshow.

Date Added: 3/7/2025

Annual Wellness Fair at Lindell Elementary

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Lindell Elementary School held its annual Wellness Fair on Feb. 14 with students and staff members enjoying a day of physical activity, mindfulness, nutrition and safety. 

This year, participants rotated around different areas in the building, including the auditorium, gym, small and big libraries, the art room and various classrooms for a series of 20-minute sessions about health and wellness. Members of the community and staff contributed their expertise in a variety of wellness areas.  

Special thanks to the Wellness Committee, school staff and Lindell PTA for coordinating a noteworthy day of fun activities to stay healthy. 

Click here to view the Annual Wellness Fair at Lindell Elementary slideshow.

Date Added: 2/27/2025