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Long Beach Middle School

Attendance Office – (516) 897-2155  

Attendance is essential for successful learning. However, a child who is ill should not be in school. There are also other circumstances when an absence may be necessary, but every student should attend school every day he or she possibly can. Students are expected to make up work they miss during an absence and should communicate with classmates regarding schoolwork. In the event of a prolonged illness, home instruction may be provided after reviewing medical documentation.

First period begins at 8:01 a.m. and it is expected that students attend school on time as missed instruction impedes academic progress. School closings and holidays are indicated on the school calendar. When a student is absent from school, a parent or guardian should notify the Attendance Office of students’ absences, lateness's, or early dismissals promptly that morning via phone (516-897-2155), email ( or our student absence form to ensure accurate attendance. If your child is late to school for any reason, that student must report to the attendance office for a late pass.  

Per district policy, “in the case of any illness, parents must notify the health office in their child’s school on the first day of an absence.

The Long Beach School District attendance policy permits the following as valid excuses for absence, tardiness or early departures:

  • Illness of the student
  • Serious illness to immediate family member
  • Death in the student’s family
  • Serious, contagious or epidemic disease in the household where the student resides
  • Urgent doctor or dental appointments which cannot be arranged for any other time
  • Mandated attendance in a court of law or related court proceeding
  • Documented college visits (high school students only)
  • Religious observance
  • Attendance at a school-supervised program

A note explaining the cause of absence is required on the day the student returns to school. Tardiness may be excused for the above reasons. A written explanation of lateness is required students are expected to attend school every day.”

All absences and lateness must be followed-up with a written explanation as required by New York State Law. This note is to be brought to the attendance secretary in the main office, upon return to school. 

Notes must contain the following: 

(1) student’s full name, 

(2) date(s) of absence; 

(3) reason for absence, 

(4) parent/guardian signature. 

The student absence form may be accessed here.

Current News

Long Beach Middle School Marks Pi Day

On March 14, Long Beach Middle School students commemorated Pi Day with a Reciting Contest. thumbnail264983
On March 14, Long Beach Middle School students commemorated Pi Day with a Reciting Contest. During lunch, students had the chance to participate by reciting as many digits of the mathematical constant pi (π) as they could remember, with Long Beach Math teacher William Papetti overseeing the event.


Date Added: 3/17/2025

Job & Resource Fair - April 2, 2025

Job & Resource Fair thumbnail264856
Date Added: 3/12/2025


LBMS Presents Superheroes

LBMS Presents Superheroes: With Great Powers Comes Ordinary Responsibilities! April 3 at 7 pm and April 4 at 7 pm thumbnail264811

With Great Powers Comes Ordinary Responsibilities!

Dates: April 3rd at 7:00 pm & April 4th at 7:00 pm

Click here to get tickets.

Date Added: 3/11/2025


LBMS Honors Black History Month with Musical Celebration

Students watching Black History Music Celebration Assembly. thumbnail264733
On Friday, February 28th, Long Beach Middle School held its annual Black History through Music Celebration Assembly, featuring a special musical program showcasing staff and student musicians, as well as special guest, The Nehemiah Movement, an organization dedicated to promoting unity through song and outreach.

The program featured a collection of historical musical contributions from black musicians featuring staff and student musicians, including Ms. Caroline Espinet, Ms. Natasha Nurse, Ms. Christina Farrell, Ms. Jaysha Teemer, Mr. Jake Baron, Dr. Michael Capobianco, Mr. Walter Kramme, Mr. Dave Lobenstein, Mr. Justin Marks, Mr. Danny Neri, Mr. Parker Ramsey, and Mr. Stephen Salerno.

Student performers included: Judah Ebron, Danny Gravina and Sammy Monaghan, student emcees: Quinn Allison, Elijah Awai, Lola Gildersleeve, Sophie Gildersleeve, Hanna Heitefuss, Machai Thornton, performances by the LBMS Singers, and the LBMS Steppers. 

The program captivated students and staff with a diverse range of musical genres, including gospel, hip-hop, rap, R&B, and rock, providing a vibrant celebration of Black culture and history.

Click here to view the LBMS Honors Black History Month with Musical Celebration slideshow.


Date Added: 3/7/2025

Lido Elementary School Pre-K Students Enjoy a "Book Tasting" Celebration

Graphic for Book Tasting. thumbnail264705

Lido Elementary School’s Pre-K students recently had the chance to “taste” their way through a special Book Tasting event, sparking their imaginations and encouraging a love for reading. This event was designed to engage young learners and featured a unique “menu” of book selections for students to explore, fostering a fun and interactive way to get "hungry" for knowledge. 

“This event is all about bringing learning to life in a fun and creative way,” said Molly Drake, Lido Elementary Pre-K teacher. “The Book Tasting is a great way to introduce our young students to the wide world of books, while also making them excited about a love for reading.” 


Click here to view the Book Tasting 24-25 slideshow.


Date Added: 3/5/2025