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East Elementary Students Perform Spring Concert

Students at East Elementary School performing during their Spring Concert. thumbnail258792

Students at East Elementary School delighted family, friends and the school community at their recent Spring Concert.

Members of the Fourth and Fifth Grade String Orchestras and Third Grade Recorder Band performed a variety of selections under the guidance of Ms. Sofia Notar-Francesco. Among the many songs included, “A Mozart Melody,” “Dragon Slayer” and “Eye of the Tiger.”

Under the direction of Craig West, the Fourth and Fifth Grade Bands performed a variety of numbers respectively including “Rock the House” and “1812 Overture.”

The Fourth and Fifth Grade Chorus under the direction of Sofia Notar-Francesco, accompanied by Leslie Fitzpatrick Waltzer on piano, closed the concert singing “Give Us Hope.”

See some of the Third Grade Recorder Band Here.

Date Added: 5/23/2024