Long Beach MIddle School:
English as a Second Language (ESL) Department Homepage
It is the goal and objective of our ESL program to offer all of our ELL students (English Language Learners) with an opportunity to acquire English language success as well as academic success that will lead to obtaining a High School diploma.
Our English Language Learners come from many different countries. We have representatives from many Spanish speaking countries as well as from China, Korea, and Pakistan. Our ESL program is a program that focuses on providing non-English speaking students with English language proficiency. Our expectation is oral as well as written competency and fluency. The course work focuses on the four major language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We offer an intensive program that provides all of our students with an opportunity to meet with success, both in the ESL program, as well as with the mainstream course work. We also offer a Native Spanish course for Spanish native speakers.
English as a Second Language is a mandated State program. This program offers an opportunity for students who speak another language other than English to learn English in a small group setting with other students of similar backgrounds. Our program is a K-12 program. Once students test into our program, they have a number of years in which to learn English and move into a mainstream program.
The ESL students take the Language Assessment Battery Test- Revised; in order to find out the level of ESL services they will need. We have three levels, beginning, intermediate and advanced. The ESL students also must meet with the proficiency level in the New York State English as a Second Language (NYSESLAT) in order to test out of ESL of the program. The ESL students must take all state assessments.
We offer many opportunities for our ESL students and parents. Many of these services and programs are funded with State grants. Some of these programs are:
1. ESL Extended Day is an after school program open to all students. This program provides our students with content area review and support in preparation for all State Assessments.
2. Translations: we provide written and oral translations of letters, phone calls, notices, etc. that are sent home so that parents are fully aware of the latest news regarding our schools. Oral translations are also provided for our students during state assessments if the test is not available in the child's language. This is a modification the ELL students are entitled to receive. Oral translations are provided at meetings as needed.
3. ESL Family Night: This annual meeting is scheduled in order to provide our parents with information regarding school policies and mandates, including testing, promotions, programs, health information and strategies for success. We review all state mandates and graduation requirements, as well as go over specific forms that are required: lunch forms and how to interpret the school calendar. Each school provides a PowerPoint presentation and the students and parents have an opportunity to meet with the teachers and their peers. The evening culminates with a pot luck dinner.
Melissa Lyons
Jasmin Osorio
Teaching Assistants
Elizabeth Wisey
Caroline Espinet
Ronald McHenry
Runnie Myles